Great Business, Great Life: Coach Vault #1
This is the real first door in the realm of entrepreneurship. It is a place where you are the boss and you employ yourself to do all of the work.
The biggest hurdle between transitioning from the EMPLOYEE door to the SELF-EMPLOYED door is the mindset. You need to be very clear on what you expect from your business, and how it feeds your life. It is almost too easy to be overwhelmed by all the sudden freedom, and not be strict enough with yourself to see the absolute importance in managing your time well.
The basic principle behind the SELF-EMPLOYED door is time equals yield. Every hour counts. And since we all will only ever have 24 hours in a day, learning how to increase and maximize yield for every hour of work put in is part of the ongoing challenge.
Welcome to Great Business, Great Life Coach Vault – The SELF-EMPLOYED Door!
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